Moolah Marketing

We are a family-run digital marketing and social media agency.

We have been in business since 1998.

So You Thought a Website Was Enough to Make It Online? Without Social Media, Videos, AI Marketing, etc., You’re Barely Getting Started!

By The Moolah Marketer – Jacques

In today’s rapidly evolving digital world, where competition is fiercer than ever and AI technology is reshaping the landscape, a single-dimensional online presence (i.e., just a website) is no longer enough.

To truly stand out, a multi-faceted digital marketing approach is paramount.

Success hinges on combining the power of a well-crafted website with a robust social media presence and engaging audiences with both short-form and long-form content, including innovative video storytelling.

This comprehensive strategy is essential, as each element complements and enhances the others, creating a synergistic effect that amplifies your brand’s voice.

Understanding that small and home-based businesses may not have the resources to tackle all these platforms at once, we offer a phased approach. Starting with strategic steps like optimizing your website and establishing a social media presence, we help you lay a solid foundation.

  1. Digital Marketing Agency
  2. Social Media Marketing
  3. Video Marketing Services
  4. SEO Services
  5. Content Marketing Strategy
  6. AI Marketing
  7. Small Business Marketing
  8. Website Design and Development
  9. Local SEO
  10. Lead Generation

Our phased approach ensures every dollar invested makes a lasting impact.”

Do you want more business?

Hey, my name is Jacques, also known as the Moolah Marketer.

I’m on a mission to help an entrepreneur build a successful online business.

My question: will it be you?

I can help you dominate your online space or you can hire me to do it for you!

  • Get exclusive digital marketing tips & strategies.
  • Dominate your online market.
  • Attract hundreds of new leads every month with powerful content.
  • Get insider tips on building a thriving blog.
  • Discover how a podcast can jump start your business.
  • Learn the awesome power of video marketing.
  • Unlock the potential of AI marketing to revolutionize your strategy.

Video Marketing

Is Your Business Missing Out on the Video Content Revolution?

If you’re not yet using video in your marketing, you’re not just missing out – you’re taking a significant risk that could impact your business’s success.

The world of digital marketing is rapidly evolving, and video content is at the forefront, transforming how we approach online visibility, marketing trends, and social media engagement.

But here’s the reassuring part: you don’t need to be a professional broadcaster or a social media whiz to create engaging videos. Even without extensive experience, you can start making videos that resonate with your audience and elevate your brand.

Use Videos in any of the following industries

  • E-Commerce and Retail
  • Real Estate
  • Healthcare and Wellness
  • Education and Training
  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Food and Beverage Industry
  • Technology and Software
  • Automotive Industry
  • Fashion and Beauty
  • Entertainment and Media

The Moolah Marketer Blog